Recovery! Recovery! Recovery!


 Hopefully by this title you will understand not only what this post is about but more importantly how important recovery is. This is one of those subjects that is about as exciting to talk about is getting the brakes checked, or oil changed in your car.  Not a subject to talk about every day but, very necessary if you want to be safe in your vehicle. The same goes for how your focus should be on recovery, as you put plenty of time into working out. You need to put the same effort into making sure your body gets the most from that workout and ready to go for the next session.  This is a subject that could run on forever so let's look at a few points you should be focusing on now. 

• Hydration- muscle is close to 70% water so it not only needs it to perform but also to recover. 

•  sleep-  7 to 9 hours is a minimum for an about study show. If you like this amount try to catch a nap in the afternoon. Even if you are rested and feel like napping he will always pay off.

•  Protein-  there is no getting around the scientific proof that protein consumption is not only necessary but mandatory for muscle recovery and growth. 

• Foam rolling –  if you have not taken part in this wonderful torture device have a go. All joking aside SMR/self-myofascial release is a great way to remove knots, trigger points and soothe tight and sore muscles. 

• Stretching-   This will help not only elongate the muscle and improve flexibility but done on a regular basis has shown to really help with recovery. 

•  Fish oil – does this sound "fishy" to you.  All jokes aside a liquid fish oil with high EPA/DHA he is been proven in anti-inflammatory which aids recovery. Give it a try. 

•  Active Recovery- this should be a 15-45 minute "cardio" session that is done at low intensity. While you are increasing blood flow but not working hard enough to "break down" you body this shesh will definatly help you feel better. Also if you take park in this try 3-10 minutes after every hard workout and you will be amazed...


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